Why Knowing your Body Shape Empowers you!

Why Knowing your Body Shape Empowers you! or Ooze confidence!

Before we buy and lay flooring, you take the measurements of the room first, to ensure it fits perfectly. Same as with your clothes: knowing your body shape is the foundation of creating a flattering style.

With endless fashions choices shopping online or in store, knowing what works best for your body shape benefits you in 3 ways:


  1. Saves you Money

As a wardrobe stylist, I have seen so many wardrobes with unworn clothes and tags still on them. Knowing your body shape empowers you to know what works for you, so you stop making those expensive mistakes and buy what flatters you; that you will wear over and over again.


  1. Saves you Time

Pre-Covid19, many of you spent hours in the shops looking for what to wear and even now, online shopping can be laborious. Shopping is a mind field of choices that can be overwhelming. Once you know your body shape, you make quick decisive shopping decisions, because you know what works best for your shape.


  1. Confidence

There is nothing more attractive than seeing a woman who is confident in her skin. When you know your body shape and wear what flatters you. You own your style and ooze confidence!


Make money from your wardrobe today!


Body love!