Can Fashion be sustainable?

The New buzz word in fashion is sustainability!

As a person who likes to be in the know about all things fashion related, I set out on a mission to understand sustainability, its effect on our planet and if fashion can be sustainable…..

After months of research and attending Fashion Sustainability events, my answer is a resounding YES!

Here are 4 easy ways to be sustainable with your style:

  1. Recycle

The truth is at times we get bored of our clothes, they don’t fit or our lifestyle has changed. When we detox wardrobes, we seldom throw clothes away, as they tend to end up in landfills or incinerated which leads to more emissions.

Find a charity you can support to donate your unwanted clothes to. We support a women’s refuge and charity, where we take your unwanted clothes when you book a wardrobe consultation with us.

Check out  SmartWorks charity, who dress unemployed women for job interviews with donated clothes.

2. Re-wear

I am passionate about encouraging my clients to invest in timeless pieces they can wear for at least 5 years. Although the initial cost is higher, it evens out because it decreases the cost per wear. So, you get more wear out of your clothes and they won’t fall apart because the quality is good. Avoid following fast fashion, because they date quickly and you can’t wear them for more than one or two seasons at most.

Our Wardrobe Management service is a consultation where we demonstrate how to maximise your wardrobe. We create 3-5 looks from each piece of clothing, take pictures; so, you have a catalogue of looks ready to wear numerous ways – for all occasions.

Steer clear of buying clothes you can only wear once or one way.

We show you how to maximise your wardrobe so you can re-wear it!

3. Re-gift

Hands up if you have clothes in your wardrobe you haven’t worn that still have the labels on?!

When we Manage and Detox Wardrobes, we see so many unworn new clothes in your wardrobes. If the return date has expired; re-gift it. Give them to your friends and family you know will like it and wear it They make great gifts; which saves you money and space in your bulging wardrobe.

A Fun idea is to host a clothes swap party with your girlfriends, where you all swap your clothes. Great for the planet and changing up your style!

4. Research

Thankfully clothing brands are becoming more sustainability conscious and seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

Keep your ‘ear to the ground’ for brands who make their clothes ethically and are intentional about making their supply chain more sustainable.

I do my best to incorporate sustainable fashion personally and when selecting pieces for Personal Shopping and online clients.

(The dress I’m pictured in below is from a sustainable fashion label called Mother of Pearl)

Contact us for your sustainable Spring wardrobe today!

(Due to Coronavirus COVID-19 we are happy to shop for you online)




Twitter: @PotentialU

Ellie McBride

A few years ago I moved halfway across the world after marrying a beautiful man from N. Ireland. To support a more flexible life, I created systems and a kickass website to protect my time, energy and yes my flexibility. And then I started doing it for my clients too!

Want to grow in a way that feels effortless by taking your business off manual-mode? Let’s move forward with more space and ease in your day-to-day operations!

COVID-19 Update!


How to create a style that lasts a decade.